Gauzon puppies
Our puppies make many people happy and we like to make them participate in everything related to the evolution of their puppy. So we also want to keep in touch with the little one and his family, solving any doubts that may arise throughout his life. The choice of the specimen will be made in strict order of reservation.
Due to our way of breeding we make few litters a year avoiding reckless and uncontrolled breeding, in which we pour all our work and passion. This allows us to offer a special treatment to our puppies, give them all our love and dedicate them personalized attention.
They are delivered with a minimum of 10 weeks of age and reviewed by our veterinarian. With their corresponding deworming and vaccinations, European passport for pets, national microchip implanted and registered in the LOE (Spanish Origin Book) of the RSCE (Royal Canine Society of Spain) where all our dogs are registered (pedigree).
Gauzon puppies live with us at all times until the day they are transferred to their new family. We always deliver our puppies personally, so it is necessary to go to collect them. In case it is impossible to move, we will analyze the different delivery alternatives. Seeking always and mainly to protect the physical and mental integrity of the puppy.



